How I got 150+ users with no product

How to validate a product that doesn’t exist!

Domenico Gagliardi
4 min readApr 8, 2023

It’s almost Easter, and I’m at my family’s house this weekend. What a good time to write an article? Today I will talk about how I collected emails from users interested in a product that in practice did not exist.

The Product

The product I’m talking about is AI Alfred, an artificial intelligence tool that summarizes any online content in 1 click. Today we are almost 700 users, and it has generated 3k of revenue in the last 15 days.

But I’m not here for that. Today I’m going to talk about how we started, and why it’s so important to understand people’s interests before we even develop a product.

Very often we get stuck developing a product for weeks, and maybe even months, without having the slightest idea whether or not that product will work.

It is also true that the validation phase of any idea is very often boring and slow (I can understand you, and I say this as not a patient person), but it is fundamental. There are various ways to validate an idea, but today I’m going to talk about the way I used to do it. And it’s simpler than you think.

What have we used for our validation?



Domenico Gagliardi

SaaS Entrepreneur | Business Analyst | 6x Micro Exit | Building Products for fun: