2024 will be the AI Companion year: Rabbit case

Domenico Gagliardi
3 min readJan 13, 2024

I think everyone (almost) has seen the last big launch in the AI Companion world from Rabbit a few days ago:

For those who don’t want to watch the video, R1 (so they called this product), will be your assistant AI to do anything.

It will go beyond the classic “chatGPT”, and banally you could order and pay for a pizza directly with your voice, in a few seconds (super optimistic view, to see them in practice).

The funny thing is that we’re speaking about “go beyond ChatGPT” in less than a year from its launch. It’s so crazy how fast technology is growing in the last decade.

So what is an AI Companion?

In poor words, it’s an AI friend or virtual personification of yourself, and he/she can do everything, or at least all the boring tasks you hate. It could also be a simple AI Person to chat with during sad days.

The point is that we started to speak about AI Companion at the end of 2023, but this year seems to be the best year for that field (I spoke about this trend here: https://medium.com/@gagliardidomenico/how-were-building-an-ai-clones-factory-b25dcd155b49).



Domenico Gagliardi

SaaS Entrepreneur | Business Analyst | 6x Micro Exit | Building Products for fun: https://iworkedon.com/@dg